Our Club Beginnings
The Yacht Club was established in 1971 by a group of locals who had a common interest in sailing.
The Clarks Beach Yacht Club is situated on the southern shores of the Manakau Harbour and the club buildings are the last buildings on the right at the end of Torkar Road. Our facilities are adjacent to the Clarks Beach Holiday Park and next to the public reserve and Breakwater. On the far side of the public reserve is the Public concrete All Tides Boat Ramp and Trailer Parking*.
Initially the club rooms consisted of a small shed and when a bach was donated it was moved onto the site. A major extension to the club rooms was carried out by volunteers from the Club to more than double the size of the existing space and forms the main part of our club rooms and boat sheds today.
Access in the early days was across fields until club members built access roads including one for beach access for launching club boats*.
The club members also built the original groyne and moved sand to the club beach to cover the existing mud flat and rocks. Photos of the club's development can be found in the links below.
The club's facilities are built on land leased from the former Franklin District Council.
Building and projects works are acquired through fund-raising, donations, sponsorships and volunteer labour.
Clarks Beach Yacht Club - Est 1971 - Celebrating 50 plus years of sailing in our community
Old Groyne Beach and Club buildings Circa 70s
CALL for Information of club history
Any further information or corrections to the caption for the photos, or if you can provide good scanned photos of historical interest to the club members past & present, and the wider sailing community, would be much appreciated. Likewise any concise history of the club and its activities over the last 50+ years.
Please email: web_admin@clarksbeachyachtclub.org.nz
From The Archives - Waiau Pa School